CFD Group Seminar Kickoff Dinner (Fall/Winter 2024)

Visit of Prof. Karl Hawking and Prof. Dan Curtis in BCAM, June 2024

In June 2024 Prof. Karl Hawking and Prof Dan Curtis (Swansea University) visited BCAM within a broad collaboration on modelling and experiments in hemodynamics clotting.
Severo Ochoa Lecture at CIMNE Barcelona
On March 30th M. Ellero has delivered an invited talk at the Severo Ochoa Seminar at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) titled “Modelling and simulations of coffee espresso extraction: from microstructure to flow properties“.
Visit to the Complex Fluids Group at Swansea University
On occasion of the Complex Fluids Day Workshop 2024, together with Prof. J. Giacomin (Queen’s Univ.) and Prof. G. Fuller (Stanford Univ.), Prof. Ellero visited the Complex Fluids group and delivered an invited lecture on “Exploring the link between microstructure and flow properties in coffee espresso extraction”.

Chair-session on “Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Flow Instabilities” at the next Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC-2024) in Leeds, UK.
On the occasion of the AERC next April in Leeds, Prof. Ellero is co-chairing the Symposium on “Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Flow Instabilities” together with Prof. H. Wilson (UCL) and Dr. S. Varchanis (Flatiron Institute). Papers collection published in JNNFM. doi.
Special Issue on Physics of Fluids: “Roger Tanner: 90 Years of Rheology”
On the occasion of the 90th birthday of Prof. Roger I. Tanner in 2023, we invite contributions dealing with the rheology of complex fluids and suspensions. These include experimental and computational advances in the rheological characterization and modelling of polymeric fluids and melts, as well as colloidal and non-colloidal particle suspensions immersed in both Newtonian and viscoelastic matrices. Deadline 31st October 2023.
Minisymposium on “Multiscale modelling of complex fluids using particle-based methods” at Particles 2023, Milano.
In October 2023, the CμF-Rheo Lab has organized a mini-symposium on “Multiscale modelling of complex fluids using particle-based methods” at the VIII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES 2023) in Milan, Italy.
Minisymposium on “Multiscale Modelling of Complex Fluids” at ICIAM 2023, Tokyo.
In August 2023, Prof. M. Ellero has co-organized, together with Prof. G. Giusteri (Padova Univ.) and Prof. T. Taniguchi (Kyoto University), a Minisyposium on “Multiscale Modelling of Complex Fluids” at the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023) in Tokyo. The focus was on the modelling and computational aspects of multiscale coupling strategies and hybrid techniques -continuum, mesoscopic, atomistic- specifically applied to complex fluids, such as colloidal suspensions, granular media, polymeric systems and/or multiphase flows.
21st International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows (IWNMNNF-2023), Glasgow, May 2023.
Organisation of the IWNMNNF-2023 at the Strathclyde University in Glasgow 29th May- 1st June 2023.
Visit of Prof. Ryohei Seto and Prof. Bjornar Sandnes in BCAM, March 2023

In March 2023 Prof. R. Seto (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) and Prof. B. Sandnes (Swansea University) visited BCAM within a broad collaboration on shear-thickening fluid modelling and experiments.
CECAM Workshop on Computational methods and tools for complex suspensions, May 23-27 2022, BCAM Bilbao

In May 2022 a CECAM Workshop on “Computational methods and tools for complex suspensions” has been organised in BCAM Bilbao together with Prof. Aleks Donev (Courant Institute, CUNY) and Prof. Rafael-Delgado Buscalioni (Universidad Autonoma Madrid).