Alan Rosales is a Chemistry Engineer (2020) and Master in Chemistry Engineering (2022)
graduated from National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, UNAM). He is a PhD student in cotutelle in the Engineering Physics
at the Basque Center of Applied Mathematics (BCAM) and at National Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM), within the Computational Fluid Dynamics – Modelling and
Simulation Group. He is serving as professor at UNAM of the subject “differential
equations” and “polymer laboratory I” for undergraduates in chemistry engineering. His
master’s research was the simulation of the rheology of dense suspensions by the method
Lubrication Dynamics, particularly in the integration of the effect under confinement of the
matrix. He participated twice in the Polymeric Society of Mexico A.C. (Sociedad Polimérica
de México, SPM), exposing his bachelor’s and master’s work. His current scientific interest
is focused on mechanics of non-Newtonian fluids and computational rheology of complex
materials such as Brownian/No Brownian suspensions.